Tuesday, May 29, 2012

This Week In Albany

Comptroller DiNapoli Announces Pension Fund Growth

State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli estimated that the New York State Common Retirement Fund grew nearly six percent in the last year to a total of $150.3 billion.
The comptroller said the fund’s total holdings are now the highest since 2009.

96% of school budgets pass

New York State voters approved 96% of school district budgets on May 15.  Initial statewide results indicate that voters passed 651 of 675 school district budgets.  The 24 districts in the state where the budgets were turned down can opt to revote on the same budget or offer an amended one to voters on June 19. If it does not pass, or a second vote is not held, schools must adopt a budget with no growth in the district’s tax total.

93% of school boards produced budgets that kept tax increases within the cap.  Of those districts, 99% passed.  48 districts had budgets that exceeded the tax cap and required a 60% “supermajority” to pass.  Of those districts, 60% passed their budgets. 

Why Wisconsin Matters

CSEA President Donohue recently penned an op-ed about what we’re seeing in Wisconsin and other states like Ohio, Indiana, Florida and Minnesota.  “It is a concerted attempt by the rich and powerful to dismantle public service workers’ unions and silence the political voice they give working class Americans.”

In a survey of 472 recall voters conducted by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research from May 19 to 21, Walker leads Barrett 50 to 47 — within the poll’s four-point margin of error. Barrett leads with independents, 50 percent to 44 percent.

CSEA is proud to stand with our union brothers and sisters in Wisconsin.  We were there at the beginning of this fight and we’re going to be there again in the weeks ahead with volunteers and whatever other resources are necessary to help our brothers and sisters in Wisconsin declare victory on June 5.

Happy Memorial Day

We hope everyone enjoyed the Holiday weekend. Once again: CSEA would like to thank those who have fought and died in service to our country.  

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