Friday, March 25, 2011

Fact-finding on the Horizon as County Fails to Negotiate Fairly

On Tuesday, The CSEA Unit 7400 negotiating Team met with the County to renew contract talks with the idea that some hard work and compromise by both sides could create a fair agreement that could benefit all parties involved. Unfortunately, the County for their part only dictated a list of concessions that the workforce “had” to take and acted as if the union’s only reason to be at the meeting was to sign terms of surrender.

“I was disgusted”, stated CSEA Unit 7400 President Cris Zaffuto. “I came to the table with our collective ‘best foot forward’ to attaining a fair agreement with contract negotiations that have been dragged on too long. The County’s action on negotiations is a plain and simple grab to take away the benefits that the workforce and their families need and that’s just not going to happen”. Zaffuto added, “Facts will show that the County has the economic ability to create a fair contract and that only political unwillingness is their drive to demoralize the workforce.”

The CSEA team is now poised at going to the next process of negotiations which is Fact-Finding. In Factfinding, PERB appoints a neutral Factfinder(mediator) to meet with both parties. It is a somewhat more formal process, where both parties meet with the Factfinder and then submit written briefs (similar to legal briefs) and research documentation supporting their positions and proposals. At the end of this stage, the Factfinder will make a written recommendation that is given to both sides. This report is not binding and can be rejected by either side. The Factfinder’s report is usually released publicly once both parties have had an opportunity to review it. This process can also take several months to complete.

The Unit 7400 Leadership urges members, now more than ever, to get involved with the situation, attending and speaking at upcoming legislative meetings to remind all county officials that the workforce will not be content until a contract agreement is reached.

Important dates to remember:

  • Tuesday, April 12th, 5:45 - Monroe County Legislative Meeting, Monroe County Office Building

  • Monday April 25th, 5:30 - Unit 7400 Contract Negotiations Mobilization Taskforce Meeting, Rochester Satellite Office

CSEA Unit 7400 Leadership thanks all members for their continued involvement and will continue to keep all members up to date on the contract situation.

Please join our cause: CLICK HERE

Download a copy of the Negotiation BLAST to hand out to your co-workers: Click Here! 


  1. How much do you think the County hired lawyer(s) is costing the taxpayers????

  2. Americans are frustrated with the direction our country is taking. The sad fact is we are all tired of working harder and not being able to improve our standard of living. Politicians tell you that you are all going to have to sacrifice more for the state. You will either pay higher taxes, or many services will be cut in order to balance the budget. Like it is somehow the average Americans fault that the economy is in trouble . It was the will of the people ! The truth is the politicians not the average American got us in this mess. As Americans we can no longer remain complacent , we must hold our leaders accountable for their decisions. Participate in the political process, attend town hall meetings, write letters, make calls to your representatives and if necessary exercise your right to peaceful protest . That is what democracy is all about .

  3. Come on right wing neocon zealots. Please explain your reasoning for GE not paying taxes? Notice how they divert cash flow to overseas business to avoid paying taxes even though they are running at huge profit levels. And you bitch about school teachers, fireman, police and other union workers.

    Check out the link below.

  4. A new republican talking point I've heard is this, saying collective bargaining is a privilege not a right. Heard Sarah Palin say it. Heard some rightie on CNN say it. It's a lie of course. Collective bargaining is a right, but they have to dupe the people don't they? Lying is the only way they can win.

  5. what did they want us to give up? what were there demands?

  6. Nearly the same as before with more concessions surrounding health insurance benefits at retirement. See:

  7. Stand and fight because you are right!!!

    A recently released study from the UCLA Anderson School of Management and The Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Solan School of Management debunks many of the ostensible justifications for the wholesale attack on public sector worker collective bargaining rights.

    The researchers state unequivocally that public-sector workers accept a lower total wage and benefits package than their private-counter counterparts.

    The study reaffirms research showing that public-sector employee pay is 11.5 percent lower than pay for comparably educated private –sector employees. When health and pension benefits are included, public employees still earn 3.7 percent less than those in the private sector.

  8. I want to thank the Officers and Negotiation Team members for all your efforts with trying to get a good contract. You are saints to put up with the County Negotiation Team this long!

  9. Thank you for your kind words!

  10. I am sick of the county administration here. Stop the political games, real people real lives. What will it take to move these guys??!!

  11. We all want this behind us, but just don't settle for LESS than we have now for the sake of settling. Wait them out!!!


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