Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Mobilization Continues to Gain Steam in Monroe County

Mobilization @ Monroe Community Hospital

CSEA members collected signatures and handed out mobilization information all day at Monroe Community Hospital on Thursday October 28th. The enthusiasm for the mobilization is clearly growing. Worksite meetings will continue through November and on. This web site is the best place to get updates on the negotiations and to see what is happening with the mobilization. This web site has been viewed over 16,000 times. We continue to get an average of 40 to 70 individual visitors per day. Since the County has blocked this site on most County computers, that number is very encouraging.

Now is the time to join the effort to get a good contract for all employees in Monroe County. Here is how you can get involved:

  • Get updates to your e-mail address by filling out the online form by CLINKING HERE  (Confidentiality guaranteed)

  • Attend the Negotiation Update/Mobilization Meeting on November 16th. For information (CLICK HERE).

Keep the faith; If we all get involved, we WILL get a good contract with the County. Always remember:

United we Bargain 
Divided We Beg!


Thursday, October 28, 2010


At numerous Contract Negotiation/Mobilization Meetings the union has talked directly with many of you about the County’s last offer. This draconian set of proposals along with the county proposed health insurance changes was rejected by your CSEA Negotiation Team.

The proposal below was handed out by the County to your CSEA Negotiation Team on September 29th, 2010. This is a County proposal:

Don’t be mislead by the heading as CSEA had nothing to do with the development of this proposal.
Call the CSEA Office for a fresh copy of the County issued proposal.

The Marrion-Webster Dictionary defines what we are now doing as:

  • Mobilization - to marshal (as resources) for action <mobilize support for a proposal or cause>

At our last Mobilization Meeting, we chartered a number of committees to initiate some specific tasks. These committees will be dealing with communication, community outreach and internal organizing. If you would like to participate in some of the committee work, please contact the CSEA Office at 328-5250.

CSEA members from throughout Monroe County continue to express outrage at the County’s new approach to negotiations. We work hard for the people of Monroe County and we deserve to be treated better by the Brooks Administration. After all, the County Executive looks good to the voters in Monroe County because of the quality WORK we do.

Another mass Negotiation Update/Mobilization meeting has been scheduled for November (click here for more information). If you would like to get involved in the mobilization, or be kept informed, CLICK HERE to fill out an online registration form. If every Monroe County employee does a little, we can accomplish great things in Monroe County.

If you have a Facebook account CLICK HERE to join the fair contract cause page. Please get involved, speak up, as what we get in our contract depends on YOU.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Monroe County Works Because WE do!!!!!

Across Monroe County, excitement has been building for the mobilization. With a number of well attended workplace meetings, a common goal has emerged;  we deserve a fair contract. One nurse who attended a recent mobilization meeting at Monroe Community Hospital stated "we just don't feel valued by Monroe County anymore". Monroe County employees are coming forward in record numbers to get involved.  October has seen numerous informational meetings held throughout the County. CSEA members are enraged at the County's draconian bargaining position and want to know how they can help us get a fair contract. Support for the CSEA Negotiation Team appears at an all time high as the momentum for our coming campaign spreads throughout the county.

Meetings were recently
held at MCH.
Keep your eyes on this web site for announcements and future meetings and events. November promises to bring increased activism by CSEA members as the mobilization gains momentum. Another mass Negotiation Update/Mobilization meeting has been scheduled for November (click here for more information). If you would like to get involved in the mobilization, or be kept informed, CLICK HERE to fill out an online registration form. If every Monroe County employee does a little, we can accomplish great things in Monroe County.

Mobilization Meeting
If you have a Facebook account CLICK HERE to join the fair contract cause page. Please get involved, speak up, as what we get in our contract depends on YOU.

The Union's negotiation goals remain simple; protect our members benefits and get a fair pay increase. We realize the difficult economic situation we are in, our proposals are very reasonable and take into consideration the needs of the County.

As we mobilize throughout the County in our just efforts to get a fair contract, we remain willing to meet with the County at any time or any place if they want to truly negotiate. However, as much as we want to  negotiate; we will not accept being dictated to.


Divided We Beg

Saturday, October 23, 2010

New Dress Code policy not negotiated!!!!

The new Dress Code policy was not negotiated with CSEA. Anything agreed to by your union would have a signed Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) attached to it. CSEA did not sign any MOA in regards to the new Dress Code. While a copy of the proposed dress code was sent to CSEA, and it was discussed, it was not negotiated.

If a CSEA Member is directed to sign a new policy of any kind, we would recommend that you not be insubordinate. If directed to sign something it does not mean you agree with it. It would be appropriate to sign and state "Receipt Only" and this does not demonstrate anything other than the employee has received the document.

CSEA has informed the County they are not to claim anything is negotiated with CSEA unless it was negotiated and there is a signed MOA. We will be addressing this issue further with the County in the very near future.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Negotiation Update/Mobilization Meeting

"Something Big Is Happening in Monroe County"

Your Union is Mobilizing to get us a fair contract! You need to be part of it.

WHAT: Negotiation Update/Mobilization Meeting

WHEN: Tuesday, November 16, 2010 @ 5:30pm

WHERE: Diplomat Banquet Center - Lyell Road - Rochester

Since we will be providing food (Pizza & Wings) Please RSVP to (585) 328-5250. 

Divided We Beg

Friday, October 8, 2010

TO: Stewards/Negotiation Team Unit 7400 Executive Board & CSEA Activists

The mobilization of our members continues. The next meeting for Stewards/Negotiation Team, Unit 7400 Executive Board and CSEA Activists is October 14th at 5:30pm at the CSEA Rochester Satellite Office.

It is imperative that you attend these meetings as all hands are needed to rally our members behind the Negotiation Team. Now that we have met with so many members, this session will be to develop our specific strategy for the mobilization. This meeting will again be facilitated by CSEA Mobilization Specialist Michael Ottaviano.
Please make every effort to attend. If for some reason you can not attend, please call the union office and let us know.
What we end up with through the current negotiations now depends on you. 

If you would like to become more active in the mobilization, please call the CSEA Office at (585) 328-5250.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


A meeting has been scheduled for all FULL TIME
CSEA Local 828 - Unit 7400 Members on:
Thursday, October 14th, 2010 at
Monroe Community Hospital (MCH)

7:30 am in Auditorium A


3:30 pm in the 7th Floor Conference Room

To get the most up-to-date information on what is happening with negotiations please make every effort to attend one of the above scheduled meetings. At this meeting you will also learn how the rank and file union member (YOU) can become part of an effective support system for the Negotiation Process presented by CSEA Mobilization Specialist Michael Ottaviano.

If you miss this meeting, you can rest assured, there will be many more! Something big is happening in Monroe County and you are part of it!!!

Monday, October 4, 2010


Something BIG is happening in Monroe County

A large number of Monroe County CSEA Members met Thursday September 30th to find out what they could do to help the negotiation process. In addition to this meeting, mobilization meetings will be held throughout the county to share information on negotiations and to mobilize CSEA members in the fight to get a fair contract.

Negotiations are at a standstill as the County has taken a right turn and proposed moving all employees into a Health Insurance product with extremely high out-of-pocket costs. If you would like a copy of the County’s “proposed” health insurance plan, please contact the union office.

CSEA members need to get involved with the negotiation process as it is essential to move forward united, if we hope to get a fair agreement. Over the next few months, we will be holding additional meetings and other activities throughout the county which will be focused on getting a fair contract. A Mobilization Steering Committee is forming to head up the effort to get a fair contract. Please contact your Union Steward or the CSEA Office to find out how you can get more involved.

The County has taken a very draconian position in these negotiations. Their unreasonable stand has been met by the Union’s firm resolve to get a fair and just settlement. CSEA remains willing to meet with the County at the time and place of their choosing to enter into serious negotiations. However, the Union will not be bullied into accepting unfair concessions that drag the employees of Monroe County backwards.

We truly believe; together, we can make a difference. Always remember the following:

Divided We Beg

CSEA Officers meet with Michael Ottaviano CSEA Mobilization Specialist to discuss the
mobilization efforts in Monroe County 

For information on how you can get involved with the fight for a 
fair contract, call the CSEA Unit 7400 Office at (585) 328-5250.

Monroe County Health Rates: The rates are on the Intranet in 2 places: 1-HR Info/Benefits/Health Insurance/2025 Rates 2-HR Info/Open Enrollm...