Thursday, April 25, 2013

Monroe County Employees CSEA Unit 7400 UPDATE


 A big thank you to everyone who filled out and returned the contract survey. The survey is the tool we use to ensure the union proposal made to the County accurately reflects the wishes of our members.


Your CSEA Negotiation Team is headed to the bargaining table. We meet with the County for our initial session on May 13th.  We expect these negotiations to be tough but your negotiation team is tougher. We enter these negotiation with cautious optimism confident that if the County is fair, we can reach an agreement everyone can be proud of. Please check back here for frequent updates on the progress we make in negotiations.


Your unit officers and stewards are working to get every single member a copy of the new collective bargaining agreement by and between CSEA and Monroe County. In addition your union contract is now online. To access your collective bargaining agreement CLICK HERE!

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