Wednesday, September 12, 2012


During the informational meetings held on the Tentative Agreement, many CSEA members brought up good questions. We are going to take some of the questions raised, post them on this blog, and distribute them around the county. Feel free to submit any additional questions to

Q) If the Tentative Agreement is ratified, when will the changes in health insurance rates be instituted?

A) The Tentative Agreement requires the rate changes to go into effect on 1/1/13.

Q) Will there be a health insurance open enrollment period before 1/1/13?

A)  Open enrollment this year (2012) will be the same as last year. It will run from mid-November to mid-December. Flex spending open enrollment is done earlier, in mid-October. 

Q) What happens to our other benefits not referred to in the Tentative Agreement?

A) Unless there are changes referenced to in the Tentative Agreement, the terms of the agreement expiring on December 31, 2008 will be continued in the new agreement.

Q) If the Tentative Agreement is ratified, when will it run through?

A)  December 31, 2013.  Negotiations for a successor agreement will commence In April of 2013.

Q) Why is the union doing a mail-in ballot?

A) This is a big county with employees throughout. The mail-in ballot is being used simply to ensure everyone has a right to vote. The ballots will be counted on October 1, 2012, at the CSEA Rochester Satellite office off of Winton Road. If you would like to observe the vote count, please call the union office for directions and times at: (585) 328-5250. Ballots will be mailed on 9/14/12. If you do not receive a ballot by next week, please call the union office to acquire a ballot.

Q) In the *CSEA labor settlement insurance rates based on 2012 rates info sheet provided at the informational meeting Category 1, some of the rates appear mixed up. Is it accurate?

A) Yes. Category 1 is a combination of two former groups, Pre-05 and Pre-86. They both paid 4% for Value, but Pre-05 paid 8% of Select and Pre-86 paid 4% of Select. The chart prepared could only reflect one of the prior classes, which is Pre-05, the much larger group. 

In any case, the "New" column amount is correct for both. The $48 amount is 8% of premium. The $24 amount is 4% of premium. Combined it’s 12%, $72. So for the vast majority of Category 1, the chart is correct. For Pre-86 folks, $24 is current, $48 is change and $72 is new. 

*For a copy of the CSEA labor settlement insurance rates based on 2012 rates info sheet, email the word FORMS to

To download a copy of this Q & A - CLICK HERE and share with your co-workers.

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