Monday, April 2, 2012

This Week In Albany

CSEA Slams Final Budget Agreement 

The New York State Legislature is expected to finish voting on the 2012-13 budget by the end of the day.  The budget agreement will have long lasting consequences on working New Yorkers.  CSEA President Danny Donohue blasted it as another backroom deal that puts politics before people.

The budget includes eliminating 400 beds in the mental health system, turning violent youth over to nonexistent programs in New York City, shortchanging localities as well as other provisions that will adversely affect the essential services New Yorkers receive.

Please click here for a summary of the final budget.

CSEA Ramps Up Campaign Over Tier 6 "Dark Deal"

CSEA has launched a new front against the big political giveaway Governor Cuomo, State Senators and Assembly members voted for.  Under Tier 6, taxpayers are on the hook for paying for an 8 percent of salary retirement perk for politicians and their appointees every year. CSEA has TV, radio and print ads in every media market in the state and is prepared to actively take this issue into every community.

You can click here to tell your state legislators to stop the Giveaway, and you can also help build support for the repeal on Facebook!

You can also view the CSEA television ad here.

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