Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Monroe County Local 828, Unit 7400
Your County Workforce

*A T T E N T I O N*

Monroe County Legislative Meeting Notice

Join your fellow CSEA Workers in attending the Monroe County Legislative meeting to show your support for our contract fight!

Let the County Legislators know, CSEA means business and as dedicated workers, we DESERVE BETTER and want a FAIR CONTRACT NOW!

When: Tuesday, March 8th at 5:45 pm

Where: Monroe County Office Building Legislative Chambers

CSEA T-shirts for all members who attend to show:
“Monroe County Works Because We Do!”

See You There!


  1. we need to protest more and be active than sitting there. we need to protest not during a weekday since the papers like to say we are doing this during work hours. i say we protest in front of the democrat and chroncile buliding since they like to spread lies about unions. they are pitting private sector workers against us they think we have it so easy lets protest where the lies are coming from and do it on a saturday so they cant say we are taking time off of work.

  2. WE need to start somewhere friend. You make some great points. As you know, many of us have been active: .

    I certainly hope you and your co-workers will join us on the 8th:

  3. CSEA Unit 7400: You are doing a great job... More employees need to get active. A few people have been doing all the work and that won't get us a contract!


Monroe County Health Rates: The rates are on the Intranet in 2 places: 1-HR Info/Benefits/Health Insurance/2025 Rates 2-HR Info/Open Enrollm...