Monday, June 11, 2012

The Triborough Amendment

NYS AFL-CIO President Mario Cilento Response Letter to NY Post

Contrary to your assertion, the Triborough Amendment levels the playing field in public- sector collective bargaining. Unlike their private-sector counterparts, nurses, teachers, police officers, firefighters, bus drivers and sanitation workers do not have the right to strike — a last resort for unions in labor relations.
The strike prohibition is meant to protect public services, but a side effect is a severe impairment of union leverage in negotiations.
Without Triborough, which maintains conditions of employment until a new agreement is reached, employers would be incentivized to delay past contract expiration and make unilateral reductions.
The state, as well as school districts and local governments, have recently negotiated contracts that call for wage freezes, higher health contributions and other benefit reductions using the current rules, which include Triborough.
The inability of some to negotiate contracts speaks to their management and should not be used as an excuse to stack the deck for employers.
Mario Cilento
President New York State AFL-CIO

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CSEA Won Arbitration! CSEA won an Arbitration against Monroe County!  Congratulations to the member who was terminated and will get her job ...